Valar Guild

State of Valar Gaming Reports

State of Valar Gaming 2011

October 02nd, 2011

To the Membership of the Valar Guild, greetings and salutations.

Before beginning the Games Site Mass-Update, we had a total of 150 members listed on the Games Site playing 18 games. Of these 150, 81 had gaming info listed on the Games Site, and 69 had nothing listed. Of those 18 games played:

One member played each of:

Age of Conan, Counterstrike, Source, Diablo 2: Me mod, Eve Online, Guild Wars, Red Alert 3, Runes of Magic, Second Life, Star Trek Online, Starcraft, Team Fortress 2, Total Annihilation, War of the Ring, and Warcraft 3.

Three members played Dark Age of Camelot.

Seven Members Played Starcraft 2.

Fourteen members played World of Warcraft.

Seventy-nine members played Lord of the Rings Online. Before the Games Site Mass-Update, Lord of the Rings Online constituted slightly over 50% of our total membership, the bulk of which were within our kinship on Landroval. I extend my congratulations to Varda and all those in our Landroval branch who made it such a success.

On September 01, 2011, the Games Site Mass-Update began, with letters going out a couple of days later notifying all members to send in their most recent gaming information. The gaming slate was wiped clean; as per standard, no information was kept on the Player Listing from the previous year. 124 Full Members with e-mails listed on the Member Activity page were sent GSMU e-mails. Out of those 124, 14 e-mails returned undeliverable, and 33 responded. I gleaned a further 35 names and gaming info from the rosters of the Lord of the Rings Online and World of Warcraft branches. The criterion for this gleaning is that a member’s character within the guild branch must have logged in no more than 90 days (3 months) ago.

In accordance with current membership numbers, the Games Site now reflects 156 Full Members and Members of Honor playing 18 games. Out of these, 66 now have gaming information by their name, as two members responded that they have no time for gaming right now.

It should be noted before going further that right now the Games Site reflects 20 games. For expediency, I have included “Xbox Live” and “Playstation Network” as games in the list. This is temporary, and any members wishing to get with other members on either of these multiplayer avenues should give me the game they wish to have listed alongside their name on the aforementioned services.

Lord of the Rings Online is still our strongest by a large margin, with 53 members admitting to playing.

World of Warcraft is second, with 19 members admitting to playing.

Starcraft 2 has five members admitting to playing; unfortunately, they are divided between the North American and European servers.

Two members play Eve.

One member plays each of:

Battle for Middle-Earth, Battle for Middle-Earth 2, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, League of Legends, Rift, Runes of Magic, Second Life, Starcraft, Team Fortress 2, Trackmania United, Warcraft 2, and Warcraft 3.

This concludes the State of Valar Gaming Report for 2011. All gaming info should be available on the Games Site, and all members are encouraged to review their gaming info to ensure it is correct. All members are also reminded they are welcome to scout for new members should they find themselves lacking in people to game with. Maiar and Valar can also test. Anyone rusty on our Rules and Code of Conduct are welcome to review them before doing either if they believe it necessary.

Happy Anniversary.

May the stars shine upon your faces.


The Valar Guild Games Site is maintained by Eonwë-(Valar).
