Feb. 19, 2025 Wednesday
Date announced for the great LotRO server transfer!
Monday, March 3rd 12:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT): VIP goes in to reserve three names per desired server.
Tuesday March 4th 12:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT): Free transfers from 32-bit to 64-bit worlds will be available to all players. The new game worlds themselves will remain closed.
Wednesday, March 5th 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT): The game worlds open.
Free transfers: Free transfers from 32-bit to 64-bit game worlds will continue through August 31st, 2025. Free transfers between the new 64 bit worlds will operate on a rotating weekly basis and continue through April 30th 2025.
Valar's Landroval kin is going to the US RP-encouraged 64-bit server Peregin.
Valar's Crickhollow kin is going to the US regular 64-bit server Glamdring. (Some characters will go to Peregrin and need invited to the kin there. Grab an officer.)
Feb. 16, 2025 Sunday
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Sandalf, Varda (presiding), Xavier
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week.
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Anniversary Theme. Suggestions: showing antagonists' point of view; pets or domestic animals in Middle-earth
- Tolkien:
- Topic: Pets in Middle-earth.
- After-Meeting:
- Tolkien chat continues.
- Non-flashgaming.
Feb. 9, 2025 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Story by Eonwe-(Valar) posted February 7: "Narn I Auros: Lindon Vignettes"
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Overwatch 2
- EVE Online
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: Ring disguises.
- After-Meeting:
- Tolkien chat continues.
- Non-flashgaming.
Feb. 7, 2025 Friday
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"Narn I Auros: Lindon Vignettes" by Eonwe-(Valar). "A brother and sister's heart-to-heart, a riddle unraveled, and a problem resolved? One day, three stories."
Feb. 2, 2025 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- EVE Online
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Heroes of the Storm
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: Elvish accents.
- After-Meeting:
- Tolkien chat continues.
- Non-flashgaming.
Jan. 31, 2025 Friday
Gaming / LotRO:
- LotRO transfer FAQ link.
Jan. 29, 2025 Wednesday
Gaming / LotRO:
- Wednesday downtime 9 AM to 1 PM for maintenance plus Update 42.4. Here are a few from the site:
- "In preparation for the introduction of new 64-bit worlds, we are increasing the base number character slots available to VIP and premium accounts. "
- Active VIP accounts will have 12 free charactere slots (up from 7)
- Premium accounts 10 (up from 5)
- Free to Play and Monster accounts remain unchanged.
- Ill Omens Event: Jan 30 through Feb 19 3 AM Eastern. New level 150 Portent.
- Rowan Raspberry has new items. Filbert Fig retires for the season.
- Angmar and Mordor servers advance to level cap 65 on April 30, 2025.
Jan. 26, 2025 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (8): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Celebrian, Eonwe, Lenwe, Sandalf, Xaviervonhoot, Varda (presiding)
- Moving our LotRO kin branches to their required new servers in Feb or March: discussion.
- Web:
- Nothing this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
- Tolkien chat continues.
- Non-flashgaming.
Jan. 19, 2025 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo IV
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: Are there any romances in Tolkien's works?
- After-Meeting:
- Tolkien chat continues.
- Non-flashgaming.
Jan. 17, 2025 Friday
Gaming / LotRO:
- YouTube: with +Cord of the Rings, concerning 64 bit questions, Discord and more.
Jan. 14, 2025 Tuesday
Jan. 13, 2025 Monday
Gaming / LotRO / Angmar branch:
- Congratulations to our Angmar branch kinship! Today we (Leod, Fangorn, and Varda) bought a kinhouse:
- 2 Frothing Road, Kapheim, Thorin's Hall Homesteads
Jan. 12, 2025 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Arwen, Eonwe, Lenwe, Pallando, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- EVE Online
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Diablo III
- Diablo Immortal
- Warcraft Rumble
- Heroes of the Storm
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Return to Moria
- Tolkien:
- Topic from Eonwe: What are hard-hitting comments that you've read or heard from Tolkien fans?
- After-Meeting:
- Sandalf's announcement
- Non-flashgaming.
Jan. 10, 2025 Friday
Gaming / LotRO:
New 64-bit servers are coming in the first half of February. We are moving then!
- Information is on Twitch
- The same information then loaded onto YouTube
- Landroval to Peregrin. Put simply, our Landroval kinship branch is on a 32-bit server that will probably be discontinued by the end of the year. That kinship will move February to the upcoming server Peregrin, which will be US RP (United States role-play encouraged). This is not automatic, so we have a few chores to handle.
- Crickhollow to Glamdring. Our 32-bit Crickhollow kinship branch will move to 64-bit Glamdring, US regular. Crickhollow characters can choose instead to go to Peregrin with the Landroval folk, but they need to contact an officer to rejoin our kin branch there. (Example: Discord, LotRO-mail Fainan, email Fainan).
- Transfers are free. If a mistake is made going to the wrong server, a correction transfer can be made and is also free. Being free will probably last most of this year.
- After the kin leader makes the jump, all the kin apparatus goes with that person. When the membership jumps afterwards, they should be loaded automatically into the new kinship. If this doesn't happen as planned, call on an officer to bring you in.
- The kin leader will have to take the writs that transfer instead of the kinhouse to buy a new kinhouse, currently planned to be a Belfalas island again (our Valinor).
- If a player has a house holder character, that should be transferred first if possible. A massive land grab will be happening and this helps give you an early choice. If you have an item bound to you in the kinhouse, it will fall out to the character it was bound to, so it may be best to grab it before the jump.
- Keeping your name: On Day 1, VIP's will be able to choose their three favorite names and put them on the character-making screen to hold the names. Transfers are expected three days later, when the name may be deleted and the transfer made immediately after of the actual named character.
Jan. 5, 2025 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo III
- EVE Online
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
- Continued Tolkien chat.
- Non-flashgaming.
Jan. 3, 2025 Friday
Toast to the Professor!
Happy birthday in Valinor, Professor Tolkien.
Dec. 29, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Lord of the Rings Online
- EVE Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: What were the big changes happening to each race during and after the War of the Rings?
- After-Meeting:
- Continued Tolkien chat.
- Non-flashgaming.
Dec. 25, 2024 Wednesday
Merry Christmas!
Dec. 22, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Cenedra/Eowyn, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Story posted Dec. 17: "Narn I Auros: Protestations"
- Story posted Dec. 20: "Narn I Auros: Second Impressions"
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Overwatch II
- Diablo Immortal
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- Topic from Fangorn-(Valar): Why was Saruman called "the White" (instead of Gandalf) from the beginning, and why did he fall?
- After-Meeting:
- Continued Tolkien chat.
- Non-flashgaming.
Dec. 20, 2024 Tuesday
Tolkien Site: Stories
New story by Eonwe-(Valar): "Narn I Auros: Second Impressions"
Dec. 17, 2024 Tuesday
Tolkien Site: Stories
New story by Eonwe-(Valar): "Narn I Auros: Protestations"
Dec. 15, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pengolodh, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week.
- Gaming:
- Return to Moria
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch II
- Heroes of the Storm
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- Topic: How does JRRT use build-up in the Lord of the Rings books? As long as the books are, they keep interest as everything keeps escalating. What are some examples?
- After-Meeting:
- Non-flashgaming.
- More Tolkien chat.
Dec. 8, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Leod, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Removed the art section for The Bohemian Weasel today at her request, to prevent potential scraping of it by AI. See letter below.
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo Immortal
- Diablo II
- Overwatch II
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- Topic by Leod: Valar that have made appearances in popular media.
- After-Meeting:
Letter from The Bohemian Weasel-(T):
"... As you're probably aware, in the last year there's been a terrible rise of 'AI' bots scraping every image they can get their hands on. To this end I've removed a lot of my work from online sources and will later replace it with protected work that can safely be put back up online. But for now I'm afraid I'll have to ask if you can remove my work from your websites, the sooner the better please. Generative AI is ruining all our nice things.
Hopefully I should have some protected versions (treated with 'Glaze' software) which will be safe for you to reinstate, but it'll take a while to 'Glaze' all that work."
Her art folder is now deleted from our website. Maybe someday in the future a version of it will return.
Dec. 1, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week.
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo Immortal
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: Fangorn had a way of looking at both sides, even when the person, such as Saruman, had deeply wronged him
- After-Meeting:
Nov. 24, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Leod, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week.
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Lord of the Rings Online
- EVE Online
- Starcraft 2
- Warcraft Rumble
- Hearthstone
- Diablo IV
- Diablo II
- Overwatch 2
- Tolkien:
- Topic: The special nature of lembas, despite their seeming to be common in fan fiction and gaming.
- After-Meeting:
Nov. 17, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding), Sandalf, Varda
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week.
- World of Warcraft
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Heroes of the Storm
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Hearthstone
- Tolkien:
- Topic 1: Some ancient cultures washed guests' feet as a gesture of hospitality. You think Hobbits considered this, or did they "nope" that one before it ever got started?
- Topic 2: If an Elf took off his/her shoes in the rain, would he/she be likely to enjoy the squish of the mud in between his/her toes, or would he/she simply walk atop it like solid ground?
- After-Meeting:
Nov. 10, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Eowyn, Sandalf, Varda(presiding)
- Web:
- "Narn I Auros - A Worthy Quest". New short story this week, by Eonwe-(Valar)
- Lord of the Rings Online
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- Topic: What types of military forces do we see in the Silmarillion, Hobbit, LotR?
- After-Meeting:
Nov. 9, 2024 Saturday
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"Narn I Auros - A Worthy Quest" by Eonwe-(Valar). Laikendir calls Farothel to his house, but why? A friendly chat, or something more? Will it prove to be a peril Farothel wishes to avoid?
Nov. 6, 2024 Wednesday
Gaming / LotRO:
Legacy of Morgoth has arrived:
- The Song of Waves and Wind continues. Speak to Jaith outside the Meeting-hall of Dar Laja in Umbar Baharbel to begin Chapter 10.
- Discover Near Harad. This is a challenge level 150 region, with 4 new zones packed with new quests, Deeds, Missions and Delvings
- More than 350 unique quests added.
- A new raid will debut at a later date that is associated with this content, and included with your purchase.
Nov. 3, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Leod, Sandalf, Shelob, Varda(presiding)
- Web:
- "Out with you! - a wight's report". New short story by Arien-(Valar)
- EVE Online
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo Immortal
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
- Tolkien chat continues, with aging in elves.
- Non-flashgaming.
Nov. 2, 2024 Saturday
Tolkien Site / Stories:
- "Out with you! - a wight's report" by Arien-(Valar), emailed Oct. 31, 2024. The Barrow-downs incident from the wight point of view.
- Stand-alone short story for the 27th Anniversary of the Valar Guild, great for Halloween as well.
Oct. 27, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Leod, Pallando, Varda(presiding)
- Guild-friend Mosby added reactions.
- Web:
- No new content.
- EVE Online
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo IV
- Diablo III
- Overwatch 2
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: How does JRRT bring across the idea of a hobbit hole's being comfortable?
- After-Meeting:
- Most of the Tolkien chat occurred here, since it started late.
- Non-flashgaming.
Oct. 20, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Celebrian, Eonwe, Sandalf, Shelob, Varda (presiding).
- Side chat greeting from Hurin in Discord.
- Web:
- Games Site webwork on member tables and State of Gaming by Eonwë
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Heroes of the Storm
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
Oct. 14, 2024 Monday
News from Eonwe:
Eönwë Valar: Issues with the code for the Games Site appear to be resolved, the State of Valar Gaming Report is visible and not just up, and the Member Tables are working properly. Please make sure your gaming info is correct.
Oct. 13, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- "In Your Dreams". New short stand-alone short story by Eonwe-Valar, posted Oct 7. "Love, Light, Hope... Sleep." Written for the 27th Anniversary of the Valar Guild.
- EVE Online
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- tabletop (with at least two Valarites)
- Tolkien:
- Topic: How did Grima Wormtongue gain so much influence in Rohan?
- After-Meeting:
Oct. 7, 2024 Monday
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"In Your Dreams". New short stand-alone short story by Eonwe-Valar. "Love, Light, Hope... Sleep." Written for the 27th Anniversary of the Valar Guild.
October 6, 2024 Sunday
Last day of the chat marathon.
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding), Fangorn/Treebeard, Leod, Sandalf, Shelob
- Web:
- Anniversary page". Email your fun stuff to Varda (NOSPAMvarda.elentari@gmail.com) through December to be added, and be sure to give your name in the guild for credit.
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
October 4, 2024 Friday
The Anniversary Page needs your additions, wherever you prefer to add them such as screenies, art, articles, stories. Email your item to NOSPAMvarda.elentari (AT) g mail (dot) c o m.
Gamers! In Lord of the Rings Online on Landroval server, we will have our two horse rides heading into towns to shoot off fireworks while doing a /yell Happy 27the Anniversary, Valar Guild! One is at noon and one at 5 P.M. Eastern time (/servertime).Come to whichever time works for you or even come to both! We start at the West gate of Bree. Bring fireworks! Fainan is happy to share, but it's also fun to use some you've been hanging on to all year.
If something happens to Varda's internet connection, take whichever of you is around and do the ride anyway! Even if you're the sole person to do the honor!
In any branch or any game (not everyone has LotRO, sadly), any of us can shoot off fireworks or light effects for the anniversary solo or with friends at times that work for you. Try to take screenies and email the best to Varda for the Anniversary page.
October 2, 2024 Wednesday
Tolkien Site/Stories:
New story ""Making Acquaintance" by Eonwe-(Valar) for his Narn I Auros series. "On a nice summer day, Auros finds he and his friends aren't the only ones playing by the stream."
September 29, 2024 Sunday
The chat marathon for our 27th Anniversary begins at the meeting today! The idea is to have someone in meeting_place holding it "open" from one meeting to the next, leave comments, and hopefully even chat with others!
Sunday Meeting
- When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
- Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (8): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Leod, Lenwe, Pallando, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Side chat: Ioreth on phone Discord.
- Web:
- Anniversary page" beginning. Email your fun stuff to Varda (NOSPAMvarda.elentari@gmail.com) to be added, and be sure to give your name in the guild for credit.
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo IV
- Diablo III
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
September 22, 2024 Sunday
Happy double birthday to Bilbo and Frodo! (book)
A Poll is online on our Discord to vote for the 27th Anniversary theme. Our anniversary is October 4.
September 29th meeting begins the annual chat marathon!
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Eowyn, Fangorn/Treebeard, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- GSMU (Games Site Mass Update) ongoing. Check your email or contact Eonwe by email or Discord.
- Web:
- The Anniversary page is beginning. Email your fun stuff to Varda (NOSPAMvarda.elentari@gmail.com) to be added, and be sure to give your name in the guild for credit. :) Go to our Discord in the #polls channel to vote for your preferred Anniversary theme.
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- Topic: Today, September 22, is the double birthday of Bilbo and Frodo. What are some unusual things associated with this particular birthday? Note that Ring history becomes involved.
- After-Meeting:
September 15, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding), Sandalf, Shelob
- GSMU (Games Site Mass Update) began this week. Check your email.
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo III
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
September 11, 2024 Sunday
"We still remember, we who dwell..."
September 8, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding), Sandalf, Varda
- GSMU (Games Site Mass Update) begins this week. Check your email.
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- Topic by Arien: The Istari
- After-Meeting:
September 1, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding), Sandalf, Shelob/Ungwetari
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- Lord of the Rings Online
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo IV
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
August 25, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (5): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Shelob/Ungwetari, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
August 18, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Leod, Pallando, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Side chat: Ioreth on phone Discord.
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something for the Anniversary. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo Immortal
- Diablo 2
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: What helped Frodo choose between going to the Black Gate or Cirith Ungol?
- After-Meeting:
August 14, 2024 Wednesday
Gaming: Lord of the Rings Online:
Update 41.1 release notes.
Includes new Reward Track
August 11, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Anarion, Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Falco, Lenwe, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo Immortal
- Diablo 2
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic 1 : How did Valar and Maiar travel to Middle-earth?
- Topic 2 from Anarion-(V): Was Gandalf one of those to leave Middle-earth on the last ships at the end of RotK? Or was that a movie thing?
- After-Meeting:
August 4, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Anarion, Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Sandalf, Shelob/Ungwetari, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo 4
- Warcraft Rumble
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic : How did JRRT turn the expected "tropes" around?
- After-Meeting:
Aug. 1, 2024 Thursday.
Gaming / Lord of the Rings Online:
New Legendary servers are open: Mordor at noon and Angmar at 6PM EST. They are the first 64-bit servers, and Mordor is the first European server. Both are running a Ringwraith Event.
Varda has built kin branches for us on each server, for your benefit if you wish to use them. Landroval will continue to be our main server.
For both new Legendary servers, We are using the User Chat of "Valar". Varda's main is still "Fainan" to help us get together. The kin name is "Valar Guild". Varda will also be available on Discord, the Discord Sunday meetings, and email to help you join a branch if you wish. Leod has joined the Angmar kin branch.
These servers include the "Veil of the Nine" challenge that occurs at intervals broadcast in World Chat. At that time, the Nazgul may appear across the world during your adventures as they search for the Ring-bearer; they need a group to take them on. If a character is struck down, then he cannot be revived at that spot but must retreat. Look for the 12 lesser rings that may help in such a battle. Also, for any character level 10 or above, servants of the Nine are hunting you down as an ally of Elrond and the Dunedain.
Both servers start out with the highest level being 50.
Mordor server is a check to see if a European-based server will work out well, not using another group to handle it as Codemasters did, to keep the code the same across the worlds. It will remain open as long as it is financially viable.
Angmar server, once it catches up to regular server content, will offer transfers to a non-legendary server of your choice, including our own Landroval and Crickhollow. Since it is a 64-bit server, I expect it to continue to be used in some fashion possibly as a new regular server. The 64-bit makes a good experience from what I've seen, although the Ringwraiths and their helpers are so commonly seen as to be lore-breaking.
July 31, 2024 Wednesday
Gaming / Lord of the Rings Online:
Update 41 "On the Wing" includes:
- Birding hobby begins
- "Hard Tack of Thorin's Hall": Crafting event, this time for Food and Prospector
- Lore-master changes
- "Before the Shadow" expansion content is now free to VIP's same as that offered in the LotRO store. Bundles with cosmetics and other benefits remain available in the LotRO store.
July 28, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Fangorn/Treebeard, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo 4
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic : What was the main goal of the Nazgul during the War of the Rings? What else did they do during that time?
- After-Meeting:
July 21, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding), Leod, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo 4
- Hearthstone
- Heroes of the Storm
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Rift
- Warcraft Rumble
- Tolkien:
- Topic : Can we see how Tolkien contrasted courage through loyal service with arrogant desire for glory?
- After-Meeting:
July 14, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding), Leod, Sandalf, Varda (After-meeting)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Warcraft Rumble
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Guild Wars
- Tolkien:
- Topic 1: (continued from last week) Which was first: genealogy or maps?
- Topic 2: Hiking and Tolkien.
- After-Meeting:
July 7, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Falco, Sandalf, Shelob/Ungwetari, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this past week. Send something. :)
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: The concept of loyal friendship is strong in Tolkien's work. It includes loyalty in the form of self-sacrifice of all sorts, defending to he death, cheering up when sad. Can we think of any examples, and this can be from any book, short story, poem, art, et cetera?
- After-Meeting:
June 30, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Falco, Leod, Sandalf, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Hearthstone
- Diablo Immortal
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
June 28, 2024 Friday
Gaming / Lord of the Rings Online:
News from the Launcher: Mordor Server Preview: Monday July 1st w/Special Preview on Tuesday July 2nd. July 1 through July 3. Enter the Bullroarer test server first to access the Mordor server for a stress test and ringwraith spawning event. This is testing for the intended Mordor server (EU) and Angmar server (US).
June 26, 2024 Wednesday
Gaming / Lord of the Rings Online:
News from the Launcher: Tales of the Kindred: Week 5 is now available. The story of the Kindred of the Coins continues with new quests unlocking every Wednesday for two months! Speak to Rothog located in Dar Laja, the Meeting-hall to continue the story of "Tales of the Kindred!"
June 25, 2024 Tuesday
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"No End To Toil" by Eonwe-(Valar) for his Narn I Auros series. Emailed June 23, 2024, posted today.
June 23, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
June 16, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (Before and After), Sandalf, Shelob/Ungoliant, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Nothing new this week.
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Hearthstone
- Diablo Immortal
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: What made each of the Fellowship members "that guy?" to be one of the Companions? This can be something in their background or something they did while in the War of the Ring.
- After-Meeting:
June 9, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Sandalf, Shelob/Ungoliant, Pallando, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- New story by Eonwe, posted June 8: "To Show One's Quality"
- Gaming:
- Eve Online
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: The Nordic and Christian ideas Tolkien used may have come together in "bravery against all odds". Comments?
- After-Meeting:
June 8, 2024 Saturday
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"To Show One's Quality" by Eonwe-(Valar) for his Narn I Auros series. "What are friends for?"
June 5, 2024 Wednesday
Gaming / Lord of the Rings Online:
Update 40.1 release notes.
Includes Midsummer and Yuletide festivals June 6 through June 25.
June 2, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
June 1, 2024 Saturday
Gaming / LotRO
Official schedule of events for the year.
May 26, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending:(4): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe (presiding), Sandalf
- Web:
- No new content this past week. Feel free to send some.
- Gaming:
- Lord of the Rings Online
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo IV
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Heroes of the Storm
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
May 22, 2024 Wednesday
Gaming / LotRO
Update 40.1 release notes.
May 19, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending:(6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- No new content this past week.
- Gaming:
- Comicpalooza Convention in Houston, Texas next weekend.
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo 4
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo Immortal
- Eve Online
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: Is there little to be said for the good times?
- After-Meeting:
- More chat
- Non-flashgaming.
May 15, 2024
Gaming: Lord of the Rings Online
Update 40: Beneath the Surface. The epic story continues beneath Umbar Baharbêl, inside the Umbar-môkh, also called the Neaths.
May 12, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending:(9): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Eowyn/Cenedra, Leod, Fangorn/Treebeard, Sandalf13, Shelob/Ungwetari, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- No new content this past week.
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo Immortal
- Eve Online
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: Anniversary theme-picking.
- After-Meeting:
- More chat
- Non-flashgaming.
May 5, 2024 Sunday
Namarie to Bernard Hill, who played Theoden in the movies. He died this morning, at the age of 79.
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending:(7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Falco, Leod, Fangorn/Treebeard, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- No new content this past week.
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo 4
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Heroes of the Storm
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien:
- After-Meeting:
- More chat
- Non-flashgaming.
April 28, 2024 SundaySunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending:(7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Leod, Pallando, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- No new content this past week.
- Gaming
- World of Warcraft
- Eve Online
- WoW continued
- Diablo IV
- Overwatch 2
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo Immortal
- Blizzcon
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- World of Warcraft (our guild)
- Tolkien
- Topic: How did weather affect events in Tolkien's work?
- After-Meeting
- More Tolkien chat
- Non-flashgaming.
April 21, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending:(6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- No new content this past week.
- Gaming
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Heroes of the Storm
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Eve Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien
- Topic: Suggestions for the Valar Guild's 27th Anniversary theme.
- After-Meeting
- More Tolkien chat
- Non-flashgaming.
- RP posts
April 14, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending:(8): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Leod, Fangorn/Treebeard, Pallando, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
- New Member: Léod-(V). Welcome to the Valar Guild!
- Web:
- Tolkien Site: Article:
- "Léod" by Léod-(V), posted April 8.
- Tolkien Site: Stories:
- "In the Eye of the Beholder" by Eonwe-(Valar), posted April 9.
- "At First Sight" by Eonwe-(Valar), posted April 13.
- Gaming
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Tolkien
- Topic: By the time of the War of the Ring, did Radagast still live at Rhosgobel?
- After-Meeting
- More Tolkien chat
- Non-flashgaming.
- RP post by Eonwe
April 13, 2024 Saturday
- Tolkien Site: Stories
- "At First Sight" by Eonwe-(Valar), for his Narn I Auros series. "While making deliveries, Farothel, Auros, and Dinmir get to know some of the folk of Dinmir's new town." Emailed and posted April 13, 2024.
April 9, 2024 Tuesday
- Tolkien Site / Stories
- "In the Eye of the Beholder" by Eonwe-(Valar), in which young Auros has a bit of fun in a hairy situation. Part of his Narn I Auros series. Emailed April 7, posted April 9. Enjoy!
April 8, 2024 Monday
Welcome to the Valar Guild, Léod-(V)!
In the books, Léod was the Lord of the Éothéod and father of Eorl the Young.
Some of Leod-(V)'s favorite characters are Glorfindel, Bombadil, Radagast, and the rangers. He's read the H, LotR, Sil, BoLT1, Tolkien Companion, and Smith of Wooten Major. He's read part of Roverandom. He has Histories of Middle-earth as reference books. As a gamer, he has been playing daily in STO and LotRO. He sometimes plays BDO, ESO, Star Trek Online, and New World. The kin he used to play in on LotRO Landroval became empty so he did his homework looking up other kins and found us interesting. He's 55 and lives in Kentucky, so his time zone is Eastern. He is in our kin on Landroval and in our Discord server, so you should probably have a chance to meet him. He passed his test very well in LotRO (as Tyriah, a Gondorian Guardian) and Discord with Varda.
He also made the following article for the Tolkien Site:
- Tolkien Site / Articles
- "Léod" by Léod-(V). Emailed and posted April 8, 2024.
April 7, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending:(6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- No new content.
- Gaming
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo IV
- Diablo Immortal
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Eve Online
- Tolkien
- Topic: Petty Dwarves, why did they have that name?
- After-Meeting
April 1, 2024 Monday
Gaming: Lord of the Rings Online
LotRO has re-opened.
March 31, 2024 Sunday
Happy Easter!Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending:(7): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pengolodh, Sandalf13, Fangorn/Treebeard, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- No new content.
- Gaming
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo 4
- Diablo 3
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo Immortal
- Starcraft 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien
- Topic: Humor: What activities might the tourism boards advertise for competing vacation spots such as Mordor and other Middle-earth locations?
- After-Meeting
Gaming: Lord of the Rings Online
The gaming worlds are still all down. The company is investigating the problem.
March 30, 2024 Saturday
Gaming: Lord of the Rings Online
The gaming worlds are all down. The company is investigating the problem.
March 28, 2024 Thursday
Gaming: Lord of the Rings Online
Update 39.1.1 is live. Here are the release notes
March 24, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending (6): Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Falco, Pallando, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- No new content.
- Gaming
- World of Warcraft
- Hearthstone
- Warcraft Rumble
- Diablo 4
- Diablo Immortal
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Starcraft 2
- Eve Online
- Tolkien
- Topic: Humor: What activities might the tourism boards advertise for competing vacation spots such as Mordor and other Middle-earth locations?
- After-Meeting
March 17, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
March 13, 2024 Wednesday
- Gaming news: Lord of the Rings Online:
- Update 39: Arenas of Conflict went live today.
- Discover the 12-man raid entrance just east of Khutra along the small southern road towards the beach, going to the cave entrance.
March 10, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Membership:
- Attending: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Sandalf, Shelob/Ungwetari, Varda (presiding)
- Web:
- Stories: Until It's Gone by Eonwe-(Valar), posted in his Narn I Auros series on March 9, 2024.
- Gaming:
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo 4
- Warcraft Rumble
- Overwatch 2
- Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien:
- Topic: Is Tolkien's work too short? And what about coffee?
- After-Meeting:
- Math humor
- (Non)-Flashgaming (plus) by Ar-Pharazon
March 9, 2024 Saturday
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"Until It's Gone" by Eonwe-(Valar) for his Narn I Auros series, set after "First Impressions". You don't know what you have...
March 3, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
- Attending
- Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Eowyn/Cenedra, Sandalf, Shelob aka Ungwetari, Varda (presiding)
- Web
- New story: "First Impressions" by Eonwe, posted Feb. 29, 2024.
- Gaming
- World of Warcraft, Diablo 4, Diablo Immortal, Lord of the Rings Online
- Tolkien
- Topic: Tolkien showed us heroes. What is a hero? Who are some of the heroes in Tolkien's works? How do his heroes have different approaches to acting as heroes?
- After-meeting
Feb. 29, 2024 Thursday
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"First Impressions" by Eonwe-(Valar) for his Narn I Auros series, set after "Saying Goodbye". Dinmir inspects her new shop and meets her neighbor.
Feb. 25, 2024 SundaySunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Put up by Varda using a very similar version of Eonwe's previous transcript code, so don't blame Eonwe for any mistakes.
Feb. 18, 2024 SundaySunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
New version of the transcript programmed and done by Eonwe-(Valar)
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"Saying Goodbye"" by Eonwe-(Valar) for the Narn I Auros series.
Feb. 11, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
Attending (and typed): (6)
Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"Bravado" by Eonwe-(Valar). "Some things take great courage." Stand-alone short story for Valentine's Day (not related to any series).
Eve Online, World of Warcraft, Diablo 4, Diablo Immortal, Overwatch 2, Lord of the Rings Online
Topic: Heroes are often associated with rescuing others. What rescues or rescue attempts can we think of in Tolkien's works?
(non) Flashgaming Reviews (plus) by Ar-Pharazon. Includes Blizzard games afterwards.
Feb. 7, 2024 Wednesday
Gaming / Lord of the Rings Online:
Update 38.3
Includes: The 9th Legendary Items Reward Track begins at 10:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) on Wednesday, February 14th.
Feb. 4, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
Attending (and typed): (6)
Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pallando, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
(Sightings of Fladrif and Nob.)
Groundhog Day
Membership news:
Ar-Pharazon is now Uncle Phar. :)
Mastering a skill, how long does it take?
World of Warcraft, WoW Classic, Hearthstone, Diablo 4, Diablo Immortal, Overwatch 2, Lord of the Rings Online, Eve Online, Vanguard (Eve spin-off), more Eve
Topic: What motivation kept the Fellowship members going against so much set against them? Especially Frodo?
Tolkien chat continues.
(non) Flashgaming Reviews (plus) by Ar-Pharazon. Includes Blizzard games afterwards.
Jan. 28, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
Attending (and typed): (8)
Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Eowyn/Cenedra, Fangorn/Treebeard, Pallando, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
New story by Eonwe put online Saturday: "Opportunity Cost: Second Age 3215, Imladris", by Eonwe-(Valar), in his Narn I Auros series.
RP group story on the forum has new posts this week and during the meeting.
World of Warcraft, Warcraft Rumble, Diabo 4, Diablo: Immortal, Lord of the Rings Online
Elvish calendar notes by Eonwe. (Also posted below, because it's so helpful.)
RP postings.
(non) Flashgaming Reviews (plus) by Ar-Pharazon. Includes Blizzard games afterwards.
The Elvish year calendar notes by Eonwe:
Elvish Year:
Quenya --- English --- Sindarin --- Number of Days
Yestarë -> First day of the year
Tuilë --- Spring --- Ethuil --- (54 days)
Lairë --- Summer --- Laer --- (72 days)
Yavië --- Autumn --- Iavas --- (54 days)
Enderi -> Middle Days (3 normally, 6 every 12 years)
Quellë --- Fading --- Firith --- (54 days)
Hrivë --- Winter --- Rhiw --- (72 days)
Coirë --- Stirring --- Echuir --- (54 days)
Mettarë -> Last day of the year
More notes from Eonwe:
Names for "Fading": Q. Lasse-lanta S. Narbeleth.
Jan. 27, 2024 Saturday
Tolkien Site / Stories:
"Opportunity Cost: Second Age 3215, Imladris", by Eonwe-(Valar), in his Narn I Auros series. Arandil brings furs to Dinmir, but is interrupted. Arandil, Dinmir, Aldawë.
Jan. 21, 2024 Sunday Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
Attending (and typed): (5)
Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
(Side chat from Pallando re webwork.)
World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Diablo 4, Diablo Immortal, Warcraft Rumble, Lord of the Rings Online
Topic from Varda: Tolkien Moment: In The Hobbit, Beorn describes his version of Mirkwood to Thorin's Company before they enter.
Some tangents during discussion included:
what food and drinkable water might have been in Mirkwood (potential article for Mirkwood waterways)
(during After-meeting): what mithril might be (scroll down from the joke question about the mithril gavel that started it),
things that disappeared from Middle-earth such as mithril and lembas (longish section on lembas).
Tolkien Chat continues (see tangents above).
(non) Flashgaming Reviews (plus) by Ar-Pharazon. Includes Blizzard games afterwards.
Jan. 14, 2024 Sunday
Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
Attending (and typed): (5)
Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Sandalf13, Varda (presiding)
Games Site player levels include LotRO updates now.
World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Diablo 4, Diablo 3, Diablo Immortal, Overwatch 2, Lord of the Rings Online
Topic from Arien: A few islands in Middle-earth hosted historical events. Let's try to get the islands and events together.
Smaug the Dragon sculpture photos, model made for Sandalf by his daughter, Elicia.
(non) Flashgaming Reviews (plus) by Ar-Pharazon. Includes Blizzard games afterwards.
Trilobite photos.
Jan. 10, 2024 Wednesday
Gaming / Lord of the Rings Online (LotRO):
Update 38.2 arrives.
The Ill Omens Skirmish Event starts January 11. For top levels, this includes an advance opportunity to win the Cloak of Conflict with essence slots. Special essences for those cloaks will show up after the end of the Ill Omens event. See Nedda Pinleaf at a skirmish camp for the wrapper quest (Bree outside the South Gate works). Set the skirmish camp at difficulty Tier 3 within 8 levels of your character (green mobs).
Ill Omens guide on LotRO wiki.
Ill Omens guide on FibroJedi
Jan. 7, 2024 Sunday Sunday Meeting
When: 5 P.M. Eastern Time
Where: The Valar Guild's Discord server in text channel "meeting_place".
Meeting Transcript
Summary of the meeting:
Attending (and typed): (7)
Discord: Arien, Ar-Pharazon, Eonwe, Pengolodh (Before-meeting), Sandalf13, Shelob/Ungwetari, Varda (presiding)
Games Site for the Valar Guild, now completely re-coded by hand by Eonwe-(Valar)!
World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Diablo Immortal, Diablo 3, Overwatch 2, Lord of the Rings Online
Topic: One way to look at Tolkien's work is through the principles of journalism, a useful tool in any sort of writing including making a video game. Who, what, why, when, where, how? How would we figure it out and then succinctly say what happened in The Lord of the Rings using those six questions?
(non) Flashgaming Reviews (plus) by Ar-Pharazon. Includes Blizzard games afterwards.
Jan. 3, 2024 Wednesday
Happy Birthday to JRR Tolkien!
/toast to The Professor!
January 1, 2024 Monday
Happy New Year!
The newly recoded and rebuilt Games Site, done by Eonwe-(Valar), is now up and running!
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